First pictures :-) Danielle is not being incubated anymore and she's doing fine :-)
Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007
Picture picture!
Hier die ersten Bilder :-) Danielle ist übrigens schon nicht mehr im Brutkasten und es geht ihr gut :-)
First pictures :-) Danielle is not being incubated anymore and she's doing fine :-)

First pictures :-) Danielle is not being incubated anymore and she's doing fine :-)
Dienstag, 29. Mai 2007
Danielle ist gesund, sie schreit, tritt in die Luft und streckt ihre Füße gegen die Scheibe des Brutkastens :-) Ihr APGAR-Score ist 9/10.
Danielle is healthy, she crys very loudly, likes kicking the air and putting her feet against the glass of the incubator :-) Her APGAR-Score is 9/10.
Danielle is healthy, she crys very loudly, likes kicking the air and putting her feet against the glass of the incubator :-) Her APGAR-Score is 9/10.
Montag, 28. Mai 2007
Das Warten hat ein Ende!!! / The wait is over!!!
Etwas früher als geplant kam heute, am 28. Mai 2007 um 14:45 (MESZ) unsere Tochter Danielle Cinco-Müller per Kaiserschnitt in Cagayon de Oro (Philippinen) zur Welt. Sie bringt 2155 Gramm auf die Waage, ist 45cm groß und verbringt wohl erstmal noch ein paar Tage im Brutkasten, ist aber ansonsten gesund :-) Ihrer Mutter Dennise geht es ebenfalls den Umständen entsprechend gut.
Bilder kommen sobald wie möglich :-)
A little earlier than planned, after a caesarian section, our daughter Danielle Cinco-Müller was born today, May 28 2007 at 8:45pm (local time) in Cagayan de Oro (Philippines). She weighs 4 lbs 12 oz, is 45cm tall and being incubated right now, but she's healthy :-) Her mother Dennise is fine, too.
Pictures will follow as soon as possible :-)
Bilder kommen sobald wie möglich :-)
A little earlier than planned, after a caesarian section, our daughter Danielle Cinco-Müller was born today, May 28 2007 at 8:45pm (local time) in Cagayan de Oro (Philippines). She weighs 4 lbs 12 oz, is 45cm tall and being incubated right now, but she's healthy :-) Her mother Dennise is fine, too.
Pictures will follow as soon as possible :-)
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