And she proceeded to insert the needle which I didn't even bother looking at since I was anticipating the very high pitched scream from Danielle.
Not a tear in sight when the doctor inserted the needle into her left leg for her 5-in-one vaccine shot which is going to make her immune, ok, I cannot remember what the shot was for. All I remember is that it was just expensive! But I'll post back here once I check the baby book again.
I think it was because she was too amused at the tiger pillow on her side. When the needle pierced her leg, she just turned to look at me and that was it. I hope it wasn't a fluke and come October 20, she still wont cry for the Polio Vaccine she is scheduled to have.
At four months, Danie now weighs 6.5 kilos even though for the past 2 weeks she hasn't been drinking her milk regularly unlike before when she'd demand for her bottle every 2 hours. What we do is to make sure to prepare twice the amount of milk she normally consumes and the moment she makes her "I'm-hungry-feed-me" moves, we give her the bottle and she finishes it off without asking for milk for another 3 to 4 hours.
She's already "baby-talking" in a very soft, very girly voice.
Her smiles and laughter don't come cheap, you have to work for it: contort your face in the most funny way, use a high pitched voice when talking to her, do funny stuff, and then she'll reward you with her rare but so very pretty smile! And if you're lucky, with a laugh!
I found her left dimple!
She can fall asleep without anyone having to carry, rock and lull her to sleep.
She is still attempting to thumb suck contrary to what I thought was already the mastery of the art of it.
She plays with her saliva, makes bubbles with it, quite cute!
She pulls my hair and touches my face with her saliva filled hands when I lean down to kiss her.
Aside from the fact that she is more beautiful than ever, everything stays the same: she loves her baths, music, and someone caressing her legs (right leg in particular).
Some pics:
Danie in her giant shoes bought by mommy