New Year's eve is celebrated a bit like Christmas, a late mass (in our case, an early church service) then a Noche Buena equivalent. During Christmas, it was Danie who woke up, on the new year, it was Gabe who joined us :-D
Dec. 30 pics This picture is taken minutes before the ones taken from the Cannon Store (If a picture paints a thousand words post) after the mall, inside the our room now... at church, new year's eve after church (just look at Danie, ok?!)
Christmas in the Philippines is celebrated with a late mass on Christmas Eve and Noche Buena at midnight. Noche Buena is a midnight feast of sorts with the whole family gathered around the table, and in our case, a short worship and prayer and then the feasting! Danie woke up for an hour or so only.
I know, I know, I need to update the blog with more pictures of Danie during the holidays but I have been swamped with a lot of ho-hum things and the internet connection is just horrible here and blah, blah, blah...
Actually, you really should bug Karsten since I'm not posting unless he posts his Real_Christmas_Tree pictures! ;-)