New Year's eve is celebrated a bit like Christmas, a late mass (in our case, an early church service) then a Noche Buena equivalent. During Christmas, it was Danie who woke up, on the new year, it was Gabe who joined us :-D
Dec. 30 pics This picture is taken minutes before the ones taken from the Cannon Store (If a picture paints a thousand words post) after the mall, inside the our room now... at church, new year's eve after church (just look at Danie, ok?!)
Mas naa nay form ang nawng ni danie ron and she's learning to smile for the camera na. she's a growing gorgeous kid and your becoming more of a woman coz i noticed your wearing make-up dens! lol pink make-up pajud and soo pink outfit where's the usual black and white? :p
3 Kommentare:
God she is growing more charming and prettier! And the mommy is glowing... I miss you two, much!
i didn't really mean to look at u but cute man pud ka. ahah. how are u dens??
Mas naa nay form ang nawng ni danie ron and she's learning to smile for the camera na. she's a growing gorgeous kid and your becoming more of a woman coz i noticed your wearing make-up dens! lol pink make-up pajud and soo pink outfit where's the usual black and white? :p
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