The Church

Girlfriends as Godmothers (there are more but they weren't able to join: Meike was here in Germany, Gail was in Cebu and Rowie was in Dubai and the godfathers: Paul was in Cebu, Ramon was in Dubai, Jimmy was probably the one who took this pic): Iris, Jules, Mars, Far

Earle offering Danie some drugs

Pretty ladies all in a row!

After the ceremony (there was no part that said, 'You may now kiss your girlfriend.')

Danie looking for God (Karsten said she was checking out the ceiling fan if it was working since Papa was sweating just a bit ;-))

Vanessa and Nikko

Danie looking a bit tired, hasn't had her noon nap yet

The hotel gazebo

Yummy buffet

Enjoying BEER AND ICE with Gabe on a hot afternoon

Inspecting the Lechon with Tita Farina (very yummy, we ordered it from them!)

Swimming with Tita Elaine (my sister)

Really tired now

asleep finally!

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