I just refer to it as, "that pretty place with a lake?" And Kasten would say, "Um, we went to lots of nice places with lakes." Ad I'd make another attempt, "You know, the one with a playgrounnd." And even though he knows which place it is that I mean, he gives me a hard time and says, "I'm not really sure, we did go to a lot of other playgrounds..." and me, "NO WE DID NOT! THE SCHLOSS GARTEN HAS NO PLAYGROUND! We went to this place that usually holds some free concerts during the summer, blah-blah-blah..." And then he gives me a break and admits, "Oh, you mean Günther-Klotz-Anlage?" And I'm, like, "Yeah, that, Gunther is a klutz, isn't he, whatever!"

Some nice views (with the "dead trees")

5 Kommentare:
The Schlossgarten has two playgrounds -- one of them with boats!
Ok, well, maybe I didn't see the playgrounds, Karsten didn't take me there... and i didn't see any boats! hmph! :-P
there are no boats in winter/early spring :-)
and... is that lake a playground?
hmm. spooky. I registered a google mail account, and now blogger knows who I am..
Well anyway, the place I'm thinking about is more of a playground then a lake (see here). So maybe we're thinking of different places.
nope, never been there!
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