That afternoon, we then drove to Tübingen, some 45 minutes away from Wendlingen, for a really pretty walk. The place is absolutely gorgeous. It's a university city so there are lots of cool looking cafes, cozy looking coffee shops and of course, the romantic cobble stones. Well, the cobblestones are all over Germany but this is my first experience with it PLUS the glamor of the place, I was just overwhelmed. We had coffee at a sunny coffee shop overlooking the River Neckar at Regina's (Karsten's mom's) suggestion having been there before. We then went down near the river bank to look at the ducks! Why are ducks pretty in DE? I mean, they're quite ugly here, really. Sigh. Maybe everything is just pretty and beautiful and gergeous when you're with the ones you love. I mean, to find ducks in DE pretty?! That's absurd! But I'm remembering the moment and all I can think about was that on that quite afternoon, after coffee and small talk and picture-taking, the ducks we watched were of beauty-queen material...

Papa and Oma fussing over Danie

Reading the Zeitzung mit papa at this nice cafe

One of my favorite pics:

Looking at the ducks (ok, posing for the cam first)

One can actually see the coffee shop, upper right of the picture, those 2nd row from the bottom glass panes...

The ducks
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