We went to Strasbourg on one of those rare sunny Saturdays, March 15, 2008 and on March 16, we left for
Wuppertal, a 3.5 hour drive from Karlsruhe which Danie and I spent sleeping in the backseat ;-) . Wuppertal has the
Schwebebahn and the zoo going for it and apparently, while in the Schwebebahn (ok, ok, it's this tram in the air thing, quite amazing really) we supposedly could see the zoo but we never really did, tsk-tsk.
During the first day, we bought tickets to ride the whole river route. It was really nice, like a roller coaster ride only better as the roller coaster has a harsh swing while the tram has a gentler, subtle-but-definitely-felt one.
Pics in the car:

Pics of the room (we stayed in Novotel where they had yummy breakfasts)

The Schwebebahn

4 Kommentare:
trivia: an elephant (called Tuffi) once jumped out of the Schwebebahn and died :-(
yeah i waned to add that bit and also that it's the safest means of transport in that it has the least amount of accidents (?) or something you mentioned to me once...
He didn't die btw
He didn't die btw
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