After Köln, we drove to Frankfurt to visit Gerfrid and his wife Manal. It was Easter so Gerfrid's mom, Karsten's aunt, whose husband would be Karsten's dad's brother (whew!), was also there and met Danie for the first time! It was so much fun and they cooked yummy dinner for us! What made it so cool was that Gerfrid was so accommodating, allowing Danie to tear into bits the yellow pages, which Danie contentedly did!
After dinner, coffee and chitchat, we drove to Thomas' place where we spent the next 2 nights at. It was snowing when we got there.
1 Kommentar:
hat gesagt…
Germany is lovely. i can see why you would so love to go back :D and with the sweetie being there, and all. wink*wink* .sigh. so happy for you, gurl! :D no doubt, you're blessed in more ways than one :D mwah!!!
1 Kommentar:
Germany is lovely. i can see why you would so love to go back :D and with the sweetie being there, and all. wink*wink* .sigh. so happy for you, gurl! :D no doubt, you're blessed in more ways than one :D mwah!!!
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